Monday, October 23, 2017

Alpe d' Huez two different ways

Took a trip to Bourg d' Oisans this weekend and was not disappointed.  It is a resort town, skiing in the winter and a bazillion cyclotourists in the summer who want to try their hand (or legs) on probably the most famous climb in the world.   According to Wil, there are at least 100 climbs in the Alps better than Huez, but, being a nerd and a tourist I just had to do it.    While I'm still a neophyte in the Alps, I have to agree with him that it isn't that great a climb - it's just super famous.   

Anyway, on to the pictures!

Day one was a big loop that was on Wil's website.  It starts up the Huez then veers off after 5 hairpins to go up the Col de Sarenne.  On the way, you do two side adventures and climb up and down Maronne and Auris.    47 miles and 8300' of climbing.   One of the hardest rides I've done.   The final climb is long and was tough for my chicken legs after tackling the two moderate climbs previously.  

I was thinking Wil had lost his marbles on this first one.   It ends in a small parking area and a bunch of sheep.

And then I turned around.  Wowsa!

On the way up there was a chairlift.  "SQEEEEE!"

In between Maronne and Auris there is this amazing cliff road.  This one is more bonkers than the one on Chaussy.  

Pictures don't do it justice.   It is a big, steep drop.

That's a two lane highway about 1500-2000' below.

Oisans Valley.   Gorgeous.  Don't scoff the IPhone 5 camera!

Next summit was a bigger ski station, Auris.   Lots of condos.

  That's the road you ride up to get here.  
OK, so it wasn't this bus stop, but I got naked in one on the climb to Huez.  Had to so I could get a base layer on - stupid knee warmers.  Next time I'm just bringing tights that go OVER the shorts to prevent snow-storm nudity.

WTF?   "Let's build a road on a known avalanche path!"   Love those French CE's.

Can anyone explain the flying Goat?
OK, on to day two.  Alpe d Huez the traditional way.

The forecast didn't look good the day prior.....

I stopped at the top to look at the airport and try to get pics of the crazy runway that dives off the hill.   Bad idea.   See those big white things rolling in?

Yup, snow.   Lots of it, and I was not dressed appropriately.   I had overdressed the previous couple rides so I packed light on this one.  Bad idea.  At one point there was snow built up on the front of my socks.   I wore white for the same reason the British Army used to wear red.....

I was shivering like crazy and had a hard time pushing the buttons on my phone to unlock it.   It's a miracle this picture happened.   The sun actually came out as I stopped and I warmed up for a second.  Thank you Lucho!

Oh shoot.  I was totally gonna hit Galibier once I recovered from hypothermia....

Obligitory sign picture.

And crappy lighting picture.
OK, so, overall I liked the Huez.    It's big, wide, great concrete, and has a cool ski resort at the top.   However, I agree that it is just "meh..." when compared to Galibier, Stelvio, Gavia, and even the Sarenne as far as getting above the treeline and seeing some amazing scenery.   You are in the trees a lot on Huez and the climb itself isn't all that interesting.     But, and this is a big but (heh heh), when you look at the history of all the champions that are posted on every hairpin, and see paint on the road, and pass Dutch Corner, you can't help but squee a little. 
Another great weekend in cycling heaven.   I still suck at climbing but I think I may be getting a little better.   Next week the plan is Ventoux as the Alps are supposed to be rainy and snowy.
Thanks for reading!   Ride fast, ride safe!

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